Ogg Batch
"Ogg Batch" is a Windows front-end for the Xiphophorus Ogg Vorbis encoder
It is a non-enclosed front-end. This means that it doesn't enclose the encoder. The only thing it does after you pressed the "Encode" button, is create and launch a batch file. You can see the oggencoder doing its job in the DOS-box.
This front-end is of no use without the Xiphophorus Ogg encoder.
Download Ogg Batch (only 37kb)
Download Ogg Batch Source Code (VB 6.0, 23kb)
From readme.txt (included in the zip-file):
- Unpack into the directory where you keep oggenc.exe
- Run oggbatch.exe
- Drag and drop wave files from Windows Explorer into the Ogg Batch window
- Select the VBR, Autor, Album and comment.
- Select a preset command line or write your
own. Make sure Preset is set to 'None' if you want to type your own command
- Select an output directory. If you leave the output directory box empty the
output file will be put in the same directory as the input file is in.
- Press "Encode"
- Note that all that Ogg Batch does is create a batch file. This is done on
the moment you press the "Encode" button. So after that you can safely exit
Ogg Batch.
- Add a command line to the Presets by pushing the + button.
- Remove a command line from the Presets by selecting it and pushing the - button.
- Alternatively you can edit the file presets.txt with Notepad.
- If you get an error when you try to run Ogg Batch you need the Visual Basic
6 Runtime files. Get it here.
- If you have not installed any Microsoft Office product it will probably ask
for the file mscomctl.ocx. You can get it here.
Ogg Vorbis site: http://www.vorbis.com/
Ogg Batch is made with the source code of vbLamer by Chetan
Ogg Batch's page is an adaptation of Ivan
& Menno, a frontend for AAC
E-mail: clbustos@udec.cl